
“Stories are memory aids, instruction manuals and moral compasses.”

– Aleks Krotoski

Below are masks from stories I tell. There is the goat from the “Three Billy Goats Gruff”, the frog from “The Frog Prince”, the owl from “Owl Babies”, and the jaguar from “The Crab and the Jaguar”.  Use these masks to tell your own stories!


Instructions for assembling masks


Supplies needed:             

Card stock*

Craft sticks

White glue



  1. Load card stock into your printer
  2. Print from website
  3. Trim to preferred size
  4. Apply glue to ½ to 1/3 of stick
  5. Let glue get tacky
  6. Apply stick to bottom of back side of mask, and press firmly.
  7. Once glue is dry, you are done!

*If you don’t want to purchase a whole ream of card stock, print the masks on paper and glue them to cardboard or construction paper, trim, then glue to the craft sticks.

Mask designs by Mary Summers Smith